R. S. Lugani

The name that revolutionized the education sector

Late Shri. R. S. Lugani lived a full life and devoted himself to bettering education, first as the founding principal of Delhi Public School (DPS) R.K. Puram and later as the founder of Gurugram Public School.

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He was awarded the National Science Foundation Scholarship in 1963-64 to further his education in the University of Washington. He travelled to USA, UK, West Germany, France and Russia and visited the schools therein. 

If I run an error analysis on the program named ‘My Life’, I am sure there will be numerous errors but I don’t regret any of those. 

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Sh. R.S Lugani, the name that revolutionised the education sector with strong grit and determination. We all know him as the mathematical expert who could solve the difficult equations of life with the right formula and help reach the right answer.

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Sh. R.S Lugani, the name that revolutionised the education sector with strong grit and determination. We all know him as the mathematical expert who could solve the difficult equations of life with the right formula and help reach the right answer.


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Sh. R.S Lugani, the name that revolutionised the education sector with strong grit and determination. 

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We all know him as the mathematical expert who could solve the difficult equations of life with the right formula and help reach the right answer.

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We all know him as the mathematical expert who could solve the difficult equations of life with the right formula and help reach the right answer.

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We all know him as the mathematical expert who could solve the difficult equations of life with the right formula and help reach the right answer.